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Schedule Your One-On-One Strategy Call!

We are currently running about 10-12 appointments a day. Please let us know if there is not a spot available that works for you!

All appointments are via Zoom. Please make sure all decision-maker are present for this call. Appointments typically last 30-35 minutes.

You will receive an email with all of the meeting iinformation, as well as links to add this appointment to your online calendar. Email and text reminders will also be sent out.

Thank you for your consideration and time. We are very confident that we can help you achieve and even surpass your goals.


Some very interesting information to consider when deciding to use a service such as ours....

How many small businesses in the US?

There are over 30 Million small businesses in the United States.

How many new businesses each month?

There are over 500,000 new businesses that start up each month.

Why are new businesses so likely to fail?

Because they don;'t know how to get new customers.

How many searches on Google?

Google has a 82% marketshare. That means that over 82% of all searches are done on Google or another search engine that uses Google's database. That amounts to over 10 Billion searches a day!

How many small businesses in the world?

There are over 180 MIllion small bussinesses in the world.

What is the life expectancy of a new business?

95% of all new businesses fail within the first 5 years of opening the doors.

How many people use Facebook?

Facebook has well over 2.5 Billion active users.

Are You Advertising on These Platforms?

Advertising on these platforms is a neccessity if you plan on being in business in 5 years, or beyond. Let us take care of the heavy lifting and day to day changes while you concentrate on your bottom line.

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